30 Day W.E.L.L.B.E.I.N.G. Challenge

What is the 30 Day W.E.L.L.B.E.I.N.G Challenge?

The 30-Day W.E.L.L.B.E.I.N.G Challenge is a school mental health program grounded in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) principles aimed at improving and enhancing the wellbeing of everyone taking part. It is a one-month program taken from the Build-a-B.R.A.I.N 10-month School Program, so it can be done as a stand-alone or as part of the whole school Build-a-B.R.A.I.N yearly program.

The benefit of this is to use it as a trial before committing to the yearly program and checking if it’s right for your school. Alternatively, you may only wish to run two concentrated months at the beginning and end of the year before children have their tests. The system has been designed for your comfort and ease, so that all children and staff get the most out of it.

Here’s why your school should be part of this life-transforming initiative:

Who is it for?

Our 30 Day W.E.L.L.B.E.I.N.G Challenge for teachers, parents and children aims to equip today’s youth for tomorrow’s challenges by equipping them with resilience, balance and happiness ready for the future.

Why you need it?

Research indicates that there is an increase in children’s referrals for mental health services or support. However, the demand outweighs the availability. This means more needs to be done in schools to reduce the need for referrals and interventions and support children better.

Schools also need to play a greater role in reducing the stigma surrounding mental health. This highlights the need for effective early intervention and support to promote positive mental health outcomes.

Therefore, we combine the latest research, science and technology to help children develop lifelong success habits to help them thrive.

What is it?

The 30 Day Challenge is a concentrated wellbeing program that runs for 30 days or 4 weeks daily. Twice a year. Usually, at the beginning of the New School Year and again before the May Tests.

This program sits on top of your school curriculum and involves 3-4 minute morning activities, checking in with children each day on how they feel. Followed by one of 2 assemblies during the week related to the theme of the week. Playtime and lunchtime activities are also run daily, so as not to interfere with lessons, including home-time, wellbeing storytelling.

Journals are to be used at home with parents, to encourage a link between home and school.

The consistent daily program boosts children’s minds ready for the year ahead instilling good habits or preparing them for end of year tests, when stresses are running high.

We believe by using our journals and programs we  will be equipping all children with the knowledge, skills and tools to thrive in today’s world.

The Benefits of Our Programs

1. Improved Student and Teacher Wellbeing:

Imagine a school where students are not just academically successful, but also emotionally resilient and mentally strong.  In fact, unless children are resilient and mentally strong, it is unlikely that they will be academically successful. Through our Build-a-B.R.A.I.N program, your students and teachers will learn essential life skills to manage stress, build resilience and maintain a positive outlook on life.

2. Enhanced Academic Performance:

Wellbeing and academic excellence go hand in hand. When students are emotionally well and mentally prepared to learn, they perform better in the classroom. The Challenge equips them with the tools to enhance concentration, motivation and overall academic performance.

3. A Positive and Respectful School Culture:

With wellbeing at the core, you can create a school culture where students treat each other with respect and kindness. Bullying and disruptive behaviour decrease, making your school a safer and more inclusive place to learn and grow.

4. Happy and Confident Students:

Your ultimate goal is to prepare students for the challenges of the future. The 30-Day Wellbeing Challenge equips them with the emotional intelligence and resilience to succeed in higher education and beyond.

5. Empowered Teachers:

Your teaching staff deserves support too. A happy, well-balanced teacher is a more effective educator. The Challenge can help teachers manage stress, maintain job satisfaction and enhance their teaching effectiveness.

6. OFSTED Compliance:

You can meet OFSTED requirements regarding personal development and wellbeing with this comprehensive program. By participating in the Challenge, you not only tick that box but also contribute to the wellbeing of your entire school community.

7. Lasting Positive Change:

The 30-Day Wellbeing Challenge isn’t a quick fix; it’s the beginning of a commitment to long-term positive change. Your school will benefit from the ripple effect of improved wellbeing for years to come.

Join the movement towards a brighter, more positive and emotionally resilient school community. By participating in the 30-Day Wellbeing Challenge, you’re investing in the wellbeing of your students, teachers and the future leaders of tomorrow.

Ready to transform your school into a wellbeing powerhouse?

Contact us today to learn how your school can join our program and  experience the profound impact of wellbeing on your entire community.

Your journey to a happier and more resilient school starts here.

Warm regards,

Sabina Bashir [Neuroplastician]
