
In today’s fast-paced world, the practice of mindfulness is more important than ever, even for our little ones. Mindfulness helps children develop emotional regulation, reduce stress and enhance their overall wellbeing. To introduce mindfulness to kids under 11, it’s crucial to make it fun and engaging. In this article, we’ll explore a range of mindful activities that are perfect for children in this age group, fostering their mental and emotional growth.

Mindful Breathing with “Balloon Breaths”

Teach children to take deep, calming breaths by imagining they are blowing up a balloon. Have them inhale slowly through their nose, filling their imaginary balloon (belly) with air and then exhale slowly through their mouth as they deflate the balloon. This simple exercise helps kids connect with their breath and reduces anxiety.

Nature Walks and Scavenger Hunts

Take children on nature walks, whether it’s in the backyard, a local park or a nature trail. Encourage them to explore the sights, sounds and textures of the natural world. You can also create a “mindful scavenger hunt” where they search for specific natural items, fostering their connection to the environment.

Mindful Listening with “Sound Jars”

Gather a variety of small objects with different sounds, such as marbles, bells or pebbles. Place them in opaque jars and have kids close their eyes. Shake a jar and they must listen carefully and guess the object inside based on its sound. This activity enhances their ability to focus on sounds and be present in the moment.

 Yoga for Kids

Introduce kids to simple yoga poses and stretches designed for their age group. Incorporate stories or games to make it engaging. Yoga helps children develop body awareness, balance and concentration while promoting relaxation.

Guided Imagery and Storytelling

Encourage children to use their imaginations by guiding them through a peaceful and imaginative journey. You can describe a calming scene, like a beach or a forest and ask them to picture it in their minds. Guided imagery can help kids unwind and tap into their creativity.

Try our guided imaginary stories.

Mindful Art and Colouring

Set up an art station with colouring books, coloured pencils, and markers. Encourage children to colour mindfully by paying attention to the colours, shapes, and movements of their hand. This mindful colouring activity helps improve focus and creativity.

Breathing Buddies

Have kids lie down with a stuffed animal or plush toy on their belly. Instruct them to breathe slowly and deeply, watching how their “Breathing Buddy” rises and falls with each breath. This activity helps children learn diaphragmatic breathing, which calms the nervous system.

Mindful Eating

Encourage children to explore their senses during meals. Have them pay attention to the colours, textures, and flavours of their food. This activity promotes gratitude and a healthier relationship with eating.


Introducing mindful activities to children under 11 can have a profound impact on their emotional wellbeing and overall development. These activities help kids learn to manage stress, improve focus, and foster a greater sense of self-awareness. By making mindfulness engaging and enjoyable, we empower our children with valuable skills that can benefit them throughout their lives. So, let’s embark on this journey of nurturing young minds with mindfulness, one fun and mindful activity at a time.

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