How Promoting Mental Health and Well-being (PMHWB) Supports Your OFSTED Requirements

The government's education inspection framework on outlines that OFSTED inspectors make graded judgements in four key areas:

Let’s look at these requirements and how they tie into our mission of supporting student wellbeing.

You’re likely familiar with OFSTED and how they evaluate schools across four main areas, so let’s look at them in turn:

Quality of Education: This covers teaching quality and student development, including mental wellbeing.

Behaviour and Attitudes: OFSTED looks at the school culture, focusing on promoting positive attitudes and mental health awareness.

Personal Development: They assess how schools support students’ personal growth and emotional resilience.

Leadership and Management: OFSTED checks how leadership prioritises mental health initiatives and integrates them into school life.

While OFSTED visits may bring some nerves, with the right outlook this could be an opportunity to showcase the great work you’re doing to support your students.

Together, let’s create effective learning environments where students can thrive.

When we delve into these areas more deeply, it becomes clear that PMHWB can assist schools in addressing many of these criteria through our programs.
Let's explore how PMHWB can be a valuable asset for you.

OFSTED plays a vital role in safeguarding learners. Their emphasis on ensuring learners’ safety is clear: “Inspectors will always take into account how well learners are helped and protected so that they are kept safe.”

Here at PMHWB, we hold a firm belief in fostering a supportive environment where learners not only feel safe but also cultivate resilience and confidence. Our focus is on equipping students with the tools they need to navigate life’s challenges and support one another effectively. Through our resilience training program, we empower learners to develop the skills necessary to thrive in today’s world.

Together, let’s continue to prioritise the wellbeing and success of our learners.

OFSTED also highlights the ``Quality of education``.

This means, they look at how teaching methods help students retain information for longer. They're all about ensuring that learning isn't just about memorising facts but about truly understanding and connecting ideas together.

This means, they look at how teaching methods help students retain information for longer. They’re all about ensuring that learning isn’t just about memorising facts but about truly understanding and connecting ideas together.

Here at PMHWB, we’re fully onboard with that philosophy. We believe that students learn best when they’re feeling relaxed and confident.

After all, research shows that stress, worry and low self-esteem can get in the way of effective learning. When students are feeling good about themselves, though, that’s when the real learning magic happens.

So we need to strive towards creating an environment where our students feel supported and empowered to reach their full potential.

Furthermore, OFSTED evaluates ``Behaviour and attitudes`` by assessing the school's expectations for learners' behaviour, their commitment to education, and the overall attitude to respect within the institution.

At PMHWB, we believe that genuinely content students are more likely to engage positively with their learning environment.

Therefore, fostering a positive attitude towards school is essential, and we aim to help students develop resilience and a constructive life outlook. We encourage them to embrace challenges, understanding that struggles contribute to personal growth and this approach results in stronger individuals and more resilient mindsets, reducing the likelihood of bullying and promoting self-regulation and productivity through our mental strategies.

Lastly, OFSTED examines ``Personal development`` by making sure that schools aren't just focusing on academics but also helping students develop important life skills and character traits, in preparation for future success.

Here at PMHWB, we’re all about building students who are ready to take on the world. We believe that success isn’t just about getting good grades; it’s about having the resilience, confidence and independence to tackle whatever life throws your way. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing resources that help schools prepare students for success in all aspects of life.

In a nutshell, PMHWB is here to support schools in meeting their OFSTED obligations by nurturing resilience, positive attitudes and a great learning environment.

Our goal is to help schools enhance the quality of education and empower students to excel both in academics and beyond.