Meet Rosie Norman Neubauer

Adoption Mentor

Rosie Norman-Neubauer, born in England, was adopted at the age of 9 months. Endeavoring to find freedom, she left her adoptive parent’s home at the age of 18 to settle in the beautiful hills of Bavaria, Germany, later establishing her own business and raising a family.

Having shied away from trying to find her roots almost all of her life, she unexpectedly got the break she was waiting for, leading to a reunion with her birth mother and birth sisters, finally finding closure and true identity.

Her story is just one among many, but it is filled with compelling insights into the quest for belonging. It highlights the complexities and emotional landscapes of an adoptee, giving others a glimpse into their thoughts and longings to find their roots.


Why I’ve joined PMHWB?

“I am now dedicated to helping others in a similar situation, exchanging information and offering support.”  

“I believe that millions of adoptees feel lost, lonely and insecure everyday because they dream to know who their birth parents are, but don’t want to hurt anybody in the process. So they stay crushed, curious and uncertain, not knowing how to approach it or who to turn to for emotional support as they go through it. I’ve been there myself and want you to know that it doesn’t have to stay that way.

After finding closure on my own adoption journey after more than fifty years of dreaming about who my birth mother was, I realised that while there are lots of ways to go about finding your paternal family, there is nowhere near enough mental, emotional or physical support available to guide you as you go through it. That’s why…

I am building the world’s most supportive Finding Closure Program for curious adoptees to gain the personal clarity, certainty, confidence and closure they need as they reunite with their birth families.


We do this by preparing our clients emotionally, mentally and physically as they embark on the journey of finding their birth relatives, guiding, supporting and mentoring them as closure is achieved for both the parents and children.