Meet Pollie Rafferty

Inspirational Ambassador

Pollie is known globally as the Speakers Storyteller, she is an International Speaker and the creator of the STAR storytelling system.

Why I’ve joined PMHWB?

“I am supporting the PMHWB because I can see first hand the problems being faced in schools and in the wider world  by our young people. My daughter is 15 and currently struggling with anxiety along with so many others. Mental health issues in children are not an epidemic it is becoming a pandemic and it needs to be addressed NOW.”  


Pollie discovered performance storytelling in 2004. She has performed in schools, networking events and more, Including the BBC open space in Birmingham where she also ran her own storytelling circle.

As a lifelong learner Pollie noticed a difference with speakers that really inspired, informed and interested her, these were the storytellers! Since then Pollie has spent years researching the effect storytelling has, why it makes a  difference in any speaking situation and how it generates connection.

Pollie has used her unique perspective to create the STAR storytelling system, Teaching Speakers how to harness the power of storytelling to set them apart from the crowd, she has used this system in her own speaking journey empowering women and parents in their journey through sharing her own stories, experience and knowledge, especially around Teenagers’ development and Mental Health.


Pollie has spent a decade as youth worker passionate about supporting young people and their mental health. with a diploma in narrative therapy and higher certificate in psychology, Her passions lie within the power of storytelling and how it can be harnessed to empower our young people to create a better future and hopefully raise awareness so that what happened to her as a young person doesn’t happen to others.