About Our Mind Coaching Program


Our Children’s Mindset Coaching Program has been created by Sabina Bashir Neuroplastician,  Mindset Coach and teacher, who has over 20 years of experience working with children professionally.

Using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Brain Gym and her knowledge of neuroplasticity, the 6-week Mindset Coaching program is tailored to children and young adults aged 7-16 years.

Designed to empower young lives, it specifically assists children in overcoming anxiety, stress, setting goals, breaking bad habits, cultivating success habits, promoting confidence and overcoming academic challenges.

Additionally, it focuses on enhancing emotional regulation and building resilience.

How does it work?

When your child enrols onto the program, they will undergo the following steps:

1. Thorough Assessment: They will first undertake a comprehensive psychological assessment, supported by their carer (if necessary). However, it’s important that the assessment is filled in from the child’s perspective. Parents/caregivers will also undertake the same assessment, so that they can provide their perspective on the situation separately, which may differ from the child’s. This is because it is important to get a full picture from the start. This establishes a baseline and starting point, making it easier to measure progress.

2. Flexible Engagement: Children will interact with our neuroplastician one-to-one on online sessions once a week. Here they will engage in various physical and mental exercises, designed to enhance cognitive abilities and foster positive mindset shifts. In addition, they will be set daily homework tasks, which will need to be completed and submitted daily.

Therefore, the program is in 2 parts:

a. Each week, your child will receive an hour of instruction from our neuroplastician and participate in activities to enhance physical, mental and cerebral skills.

b. They will then be set tasks and goals each day, to complete during the weeks. These tasks must be completed daily and recorded in their journals, (which will be provided) and evidence will also need to be submitted in the WhatsApp daily chat to ensure accountability.

This is a 6-week, 42-day program and each day the homework will need to be completed to instil success habits.


3. Declaration: A declaration will need to be signed by both Parents/Carers and children to state that they will commit to the homework once they have enrolled onto the 6-week program to ensure success.

4. Progress Evaluation: After 6 weeks, the program concludes with another assessment to measure progress, with additional sessions offered if needed.

Who will the Coaching Work Best For?

While the program is powerful and has long-lasting effects, it is not suited to all children. It is best suited to children who:

  1. Are willing to actively participate and engage in the coaching process,

  2. Have a genuine desire to improve, and

  3. Are eager to make changes to themselves and their futures.

If your child has experienced trauma, suffers from behavioural issues, or is neurodivergent, such as has autism and/or has  ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), then this program may not be suitable for them until they are older.

Alternatively, they could take part in the process, but maybe take longer than the 6 weeks stated to achieve the desired results.

Self-motivation and a genuine desire for personal growth are essential qualities for success.

While younger children could benefit from the program, they will require the assistance of a responsible adult who is willing to adequately support them, to fully engage in the program.

In short, the coaching program is primarily aimed at children who are enthusiastic about making positive changes in themselves and their future.

If your child has experienced trauma or emotional difficulties, these may need to be discussed prior to joining the program and be addressed first, before they are enrolled too.

Sabina Bashir -Neuroplastician


What Mindset Coaching Helps With?
  • Academic Learning Challenges

  • Behavioural Transformation

  • Anxiety and Stress Management

  • Developmental Disorders: like ADHD or autism (age dependent)

  • Academic Success Amidst Pressure

  • Social Skills Development

  • Confidence Building

  • Attention Improvement for ADHD

  • Motor Skills Development

  • Optimising Cognitive Potential

Our neuroplastician employs personalised strategies and exercises to enhance cognitive functions, making learning more accessible and enjoyable for children facing academic or attention-related challenges. The Mindset Coaching Program focuses on teaching children how to think rather than what to think, enabling them to manage their emotions and develop success habits that will serve them well into the future.

If you’re interested in enrolling your child into our Mindset Coaching Program, please email: info@PromotingMentalHealthAndWellbeing.com. for more details.

Invest in your child's future today by unlocking their full potential through the transformative power of neuroplasticity.