
Mindfulness can be a magical journey of imagination, where you can visit enchanted places in your mind. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and let’s embark on an exciting adventure in the “Magical Forest.” As you listen to the story, picture each scene in your mind and immerse yourself in the experience.

Read this story to your child while they have their eyes closed.


Imagine yourself standing at the edge of a dense, emerald-green forest. The trees stand tall and wise, their leaves whispering secrets in the gentle breeze. The path before you is speckled with soft, golden sunlight.

Take a deep breath in and as you breathe out, feel the worries of the day melt away. Your adventure begins now.

Scene 1: The Forest Entrance

You take your first step into the forest and the ground beneath your feet feels soft, like a thick carpet. Birds are twittering and chirping melodies above, and you can hear the gentle rustling of leaves. The air smells of fresh earth and pine. Continue walking deeper into the forest.

Scene 2: The Clearing by the Stream

You come across a small, sparkling stream with crystal-clear water. Butterflies dance in the air around you, and colourful wildflowers bloom on the banks. Sit down by the stream, dip your fingers into the cool water, and feel its soothing touch. Take a moment to listen to the sounds of the whispering stream.

Scene 3: The Talking Trees

Further into the forest, you discover a group of ancient trees. These trees are special; they can speak! Approach one of the trees, and it greets you with a friendly hello. It shares wisdom with you, teaching you to be patient and to listen to your heart.

Scene 4: The Magical Creatures

As you continue your journey, you encounter a playful squirrel, a graceful deer and a colourful bird with feathers that shimmer like a rainbow. They invite you to join in their games and remind you of the joy of being present in the moment.

Scene 5: The Calming Pond

You reach a peaceful pond, its surface as smooth as glass. Gently toss a pebble into the pond and watch as ripples spread out. Each ripple represents a worry or a thought, but they all fade away, leaving only tranquillity.

Scene 6: The Return Journey

Now, it’s time to begin your journey back out of the magical forest. As you walk back along the path, feel a sense of peace and gratitude for the experience. Remember that you can return to this enchanted place anytime you wish, in your mind.


Take one last deep breath in and slowly open your eyes. You have just embarked on a magical adventure in your imagination, exploring the wonders of the “Magical Forest.”

Mindfulness is about being present, letting go of worries, and appreciating the beauty of the moment. Carry this sense of peace and mindfulness with you as you continue your day, knowing that the “Magical Forest” is always there in your mind, ready to welcome you whenever you need a moment of calm and tranquillity.