About The Build-a-B.R.A.I.N. Program

In today’s society, the wellbeing of our children is more important than ever. With increasing levels of stress, anxiety and other mental health challenges, it’s crucial to provide our youth with the support and resources they need to thrive. The Build-a-B.R.A.I.N.™ program offers a holistic solution to schools for these pressing issues, addressing both the mental and physical aspects of children’s wellbeing.

Recent research shows that society has changed, and schools now need to adapt to meet its demands.

The outdated view of a stable family home with two parents, 2.4 children, living in the same house for 50 years (in the same neighbourhood), with a steady job for life and financial stability until retirement, is now rare.

Society Has Changed

According to research, adults in the UK, now on average, have six significant relationships in their lifetime (including divorces), change jobs multiple times, and frequently move home.

This shift is tough on children. With so much change around them, children often feel upset, anxious and stressed. For most children, schools are the only steady anchors in their lives, but many schools only focus on academics, misunderstanding children’s emotional needs.

It goes without saying that upset children will not focus on schoolwork and perform well academically. With all the will in the world, no teacher has the superpower to make a distressed child focus on their work and perform to a timetable when their life is falling apart, especially when they are determined to make their negative feelings felt.


As the old saying goes, “Hurt children, hurt children.”

We Need a New Approach

As can be seen, children today are under immense stress and uncertainty, navigating changes both at home and in school. Left unaddressed, these challenges quickly lead to anxiety and other mental health issues, which were once confined to adult life.

Teachers, who bear the brunt of children’s poor behaviours, often find themselves unfairly blamed for students’ academic struggles. The reality is that they are ill-prepared to address the emotional distress and unhappiness that students experience.

By refocusing on children’s mental health and adapting the schooling system to meet the needs of our changing society, schools can help children cope better with life-changes and challenges. They can provide support beyond just academics, teaching skills like resilience and emotional intelligence. By doing this, schools can become a crucial source of stability and support for children, which is urgently needed now, to heal the hurt amongst our youth.

Something New

Recognising a critical gap in support, teacher and neuroplastician Sabina Bashir developed the Build-a-B.R.A.I.N.™ program specifically for schools, aimed at supporting the mental health of children, teachers and parents alike.

By taking a holistic, mental health and physical health (mind and body) approach, through a familiar weekly structure, the program fosters routine and stability, essential components for coping with stress and building resilience.

Each week, the program focuses on a different theme and aspect of mental health, offering engaging activities to help children relax and regain a sense of control. These activities not only aid in managing emotions but also promote cognitive function and self-reliance, supporting academic success.

What is the Build-a-B.R.A.I.N program?

The Build-a-B.R.A.I.N.TM  Program—a revolutionary approach to children’s Mental Health in schools, unlocks the potential of every child! Grounded in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) principles it also combines the science-based principles of Brain Gym with the holistic approach of Montessori education aimed at improving and enhancing the mental health and wellbeing of everyone taking part, including children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). It is a 10-month program running daily on top of the school curriculum during lunchtimes and breaktimes without affecting lessons. This helps children develop resilience and mental wellbeing.

Through Build-a-B.R.A.I.N.™, students learn invaluable skills to navigate life’s hurdles with confidence and optimism, while laying the groundwork for a brighter future.

Inspired by her own daughter’s struggles with mental health at the age of 7, Sabina encountered challenges and a lack of support from her daughter’s school. This experience led her on a journey of research and discovery.

After withdrawing her daughter from school and assisting in her recovery, Sabina founded PromotingMentalHealthAndWellbeing.com, a movement dedicated to supporting children’s mental health worldwide.

She leads a team of 20 advisors and ambassadors from various industries who are committed to this cause.

Here’s why your school should be part of this life-transforming initiative:
The exercises are designed to enhance emotional regulation, promote relaxation and reduce stress. These activities stimulate neural pathways associated with emotional wellbeing and resilience, fostering a positive mental health environment.

Additionally, the Montessori philosophy emphasises self-directed learning and promotes a sense of autonomy and capability, which are essential components of mental health. Through hands-on, learning experiences, students develop a sense of competence and confidence in their abilities, contributing to positive self-esteem and overall mental wellbeing.

By combining these evidence-based practices, the Build-a-B.R.A.I.N. Program provides a comprehensive framework for supporting mental health improvement in children. It offers students opportunities to develop coping skills, build emotional resilience and cultivate a positive mindset, ultimately promoting a nurturing and supportive learning environment conducive to mental health and wellbeing.

Research indicates that there is an increase in children’s referrals for mental health services or support. However, the demand outweighs the availability. This has led to an increase in taking children taking time off school as parents give them Mental Health Breaks. This is having a negative impact on school attendance levels and the level of education children are receiving. This means more needs to be done in schools to reduce the need for referrals and interventions to support children better.

Schools also need to play a greater role in reducing the stigma surrounding mental health.

Therefore, we combine the latest research, science and technology to help children develop lifelong success habits in order to help them thrive through the Build-a-B.R.A.I.N.™ Program.

Who is it for?

Our Build-a-B.R.A.I.N.TM Program is for school staff, parents and children and aims to equip today’s youth for tomorrow’s challenges by equipping them with resilience, balance and happiness ready for the future.

Try it first

Schools can initially trial the program FREE for a week and test for themselves the impact it has on their children before committing to a longer term. For more details on the 5-Day FREE TRIAL – click here.  

We are also contacting third parties to help fund playground equipment that many schools need, so it maybe possible so gain additional sports equipment for your school in taking part.

If you are interested in this program then feel free to contact Sabina directly at:


What is it?

The 10-month Build-a-B.R.A.I.N.TM program sits on top of your school curriculum and involves 3-4 minute morning activities, checking in with children each day on how they feel, including assemblies, break time and lunch time activities and wellbeing storytelling.

Mental Health Journals can be used at home with parents, to encourage a link between home and school. The consistent daily program boosts children’s wellbeing and gradually instils good habits while reducing their stress.

The program covers 5 key areas of development:

B – Building the neural pathways in the brain:

The program provides structured activities designed to enhance cognitive abilities such as attention, working memory and impulse control. Through exercises that challenge and strengthen neural pathways in the prefrontal cortex, children with ADHD can improve their executive functioning skills.

R – Resilience:

Children undergo activities that challenge them and build up their resilience. It also incorporates strategies to help children  manage their coping mechanisms for frustration, stress and distraction, as well as fostering a supportive environment where children feel encouraged and understood.

A – Activity and awareness:

By promoting physical fitness and healthy habits, the program  increases children’s awareness of the connection between lifestyle choices and behaviours. Engaging in regular physical activity can also help improve focus and concentration.

I – Independent Exploration:

Independent Exploration encourages curiosity and critical thinking, expanding children’s knowledge and understanding of the world around them. These activities encourage children to develop spatial, mathematical, scientific, linguistic, interpersonal and emotional intelligence, to name a few.

N – Nurturing relationships and environment:

For most children this is a point of contention, making “playtime” a dreaded time filled with writing out accident slips and dishing out reprimands for ongoing conflicts. This program provides structured activities where children feel valued and supported in exploring their strengths and interests. Through activities that encourage creativity, self-expression and problem-solving, children  learn to get along, build confidence,develop a sense of competence, bond and grow.

We believe that by using our journals and programs, we will be equipping all children with the knowledge, skills and tools to thrive in today’s world.

The Benefits of Our Programs

1. Improved Student and Teacher Wellbeing:

Imagine a school where students are not just academically successful, but also emotionally resilient and mentally strong. Through our Build-a-B.R.A.I.N.TM program, your students and teachers will learn essential life skills to manage stress, build resilience and maintain a positive outlook on life.

2. Enhanced Academic Performance:

Wellbeing and academic excellence go hand in hand. When students are emotionally well and mentally prepared to learn, they perform better in the classroom. The Challenge equips them with the tools to enhance concentration, motivation and overall academic performance.

3. A Positive and Respectful School Culture:

With wellbeing at the core, you can create a school culture where students treat each other with respect and kindness. Bullying and disruptive behaviour decrease, making your school a safer and more inclusive place to learn and grow.

4. Happy and Confident Students:

Your ultimate goal is to prepare students for the challenges of the future. The 30-Day Wellbeing Challenge equips them with the emotional intelligence and resilience to succeed in higher education and beyond.

5. Empowered Teachers:

Your teaching staff deserves support too. A happy, well-balanced teacher is a more effective educator. The Challenge can help teachers manage stress, maintain job satisfaction and enhance their teaching effectiveness.

6. OFSTED Compliance:

You can meet OFSTED requirements regarding personal development and wellbeing with this comprehensive program. By participating in the Challenge, you not only tick that box but also contribute to the wellbeing of your entire school community.

7. Lasting Positive Change:

The Build-a-B.R.A.I.N.TM Program isn’t a quick fix; it’s the beginning of a commitment to long-term positive change. Your school will benefit from the ripple effect of improved wellbeing for years to come.

Join the movement towards a brighter, more positive and emotionally resilient school community. By participating in the Build-a-B.R.A.I.N.TM  Program, you’re investing in the wellbeing of your students, teachers and the future leaders of tomorrow.

Ready to transform your school into a wellbeing powerhouse?

Contact us today at PMHWB.sabina@gmail.com to learn how your school can join our program and  experience the profound impact of wellbeing on your entire community.

Your journey to a happier and more resilient school starts here.