Meet Carolyn (Caz) Hawley

Grief and Loss Coach

Caz is an experienced Coach, Coach Supervisor and Grief Recovery Specialist.

She works with individuals and groups in organisations, leaders, new managers and other professionals in public, private and voluntary sectors. As well as with parents and young adults navigating change. Caz also empowers adults wanting to learn more about supporting children through grief and loss using evidence-based approaches.

Why I’ve joined PMHWB?

“It’s important that adults have the skills, guidelines and tools to ensure that children are able to process their unique losses and feelings of grief & confusion in a healthy way, so that they are able to move forward. That’s why I’m passionate about supporting PMHWB.”

Understanding Grief and Loss

Grief & loss will affect all of us during our lives, and yet it’s not a topic which is openly or widely discussed. Amplify that for children, and it can feel like a confusing or taboo topic which may often be brushed under the carpet rather than talked about, supported, worked through with care & compassion, and accepted as a sad and inevitable part of life.

There are many life experiences which can produce feelings of grief in a child, from the death of a relative, a divorce in the family, a pet loss, to more everyday experiences such as moving house, or losing a prized possession.

I work with clients to navigate challenges and transitions in careers, relationships and more broadly in personal & professional life, in particular around loss and grief. As well as teaching the Grief Recovery Method, I help clients gain mobility and a clearer path forward, to untangle and make sense of times that may feel conflicted and overwhelming, through coaching techniques and approaches

My intention is to create a safe space for clients to be themselves, explore what’s on their mind and what they want to achieve. I want my clients to develop and grow in whatever ways are helpful and meaningful, and to overcome obstacles which may be holding them back. I provide support and gentle challenge & stretch, encouraging clients to dig deep. With a down to earth, collaborative, warm style, I draw on a broad range of approaches with psychological underpinning to support & gently challenge in the best interests of my client.

Background & Coaching Approach
  • Integration of Grief Recovery Method learnings into my Coaching Practice.

  • Draw on a wide range of coaching models, learning approaches and leadership styles, as well as years of personal experience of life, leadership and management, often in highly accountable roles. This includes NHS, Local Government and Police service, FMCG, Oil & Gas and Membership organisations, as well as running my own business.

  • Committed to the development of the coaching profession, I support other coaches and organisations with supervision, mentoring and training and have been a Tutor on a Post Graduate Certificate Coaching programme since 2013.

Example Coaching & Grief Recovery Engagements/Areas of Coaching Expertise

• Introductory Talks, followed by Group Coaching sessions around grief, loss & transition topics
• 1:1 Grief Recovery work with a variety of clients.
• Managers and Leaders returning to the workplace following a break from work
• Career Coaching – various assignments
• Business owners – confidence, bereavement, career development, networking, self-belief
• Young Adults – life coaching and career coaching/mentoring
• Cross-cultural work with career development, confidence-building, dual-career
• Group and 1:1 Coaching Supervision with in-house coaches
• Reflective Learning Groups – various, open & closed