Meet Hester Bedet

Healing Ambassador

The creator of Soulsounds, Hester Bedet, has built her sound healing practice to become a beacon of serenity and transformation, channelling love and lightness in her endeavour.

Why I’ve joined PMHWB?

“As a child, I was bullied at school for about seven years starting from the age of 9. During that time, I tried to be as invisible as possible, even though I’m actually very outgoing. It’s important for children, teenagers and adults to be able to be themselves and express themselves. That’s why I’m happy to support this group.”


Specialising in sound healing, she empowers women to overcome physical and emotional pain, guiding them toward their life’s purpose with ease. She embodies holistic healing, addressing stress, worry and inner unrest through a fusion of creative coaching and sound therapy.

Attendees of her Sound Journeys bask in the soothing vibrations of singing bowls, experiencing profound relaxation, improved sleep and vitality. The effects of her sessions resonate long after, offering lasting clarity and peace.