Meet Rik Stevens

Fitness Ambassador

Rik Stevens, is a coach on a mission to help the brave heroes in the emergency services.

Before this, he spent 15 amazing years as a scout leader. For the last 4 years, he was the Woking District Scout Commissioner, where he helped over 300 leaders and 1000 scouts discover their potential and have fun exploring new things.

Why I’ve joined PMHWB?

“I’ve worked with young children in the past and having young children of my own as well.  It’s my way of paying it forward and giving back to the future generations to come.”  

What I do

The emergency services face tough challenges like feeling overwhelmed and misunderstood by others, as they are always on high alert. I’m here to support them in feeling safe and trusted again, so that they can enjoy special moments with their families and face each day with strength and hope.

My job is to guide them on a journey of healing, turning their struggles into opportunities for growth and happiness.


Rik’s passion is to support others step out of their comfort zone and learn just how much they can achieve.