Meet The Founder

About the Founder
Sabina Bashir (MSc. Psych., BEng. (Hons.) Chem. Eng., PGCE, Adv. Dip. Child Dev., Dip. SEND, Dip. Neuroplasticity) is The Brain Builder.

Founder of a global movement aimed at improving the mental health and wellbeing of children worldwide.

As a teacher, author and neuroplastician, Sabina has spent nearly 30 years in education, witnessing first-hand the challenges faced by both parents and teachers struggling to support their children’s mental health.

Witnessing inadequacies in the traditional education system, Sabina withdrew her own daughter from school due to mental health issues the school failed to address.

Today, amidst rising stress and anxiety levels among children, she now combines her wealth of knowledge and personal experience to provide practical tools to empower children and schools using her children’s mental health journals and Build-a-B.R.A.I.N.TM Program.

These make a meaningful and lasting impact on the lives of children, fostering a world where every child has the opportunity to thrive emotionally, academically and socially.

Her Values
Empowerment so you can take control of your own mental health journey.
Compassion to create supportive and understanding environments
Community for a better supportive community


Empowerment lies at the heart of Sabina’s mission and values. Her programs and resources are designed to highlight the fundamental truth that each individual possesses the power to shape their own thoughts, emotions and actions. While it’s natural to believe that external circumstances dictate our moods and behaviours, Sabina’s work emphasises the importance of self-awareness and self-regulation.

Through empowerment, she seeks to instil in children the understanding that they hold the reins of their own lives, and that external influences need not dictate their destiny. By fostering autonomy, Sabina empowers both children and adults to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and resilience, ultimately paving the way for a brighter and more fulfilling future.


“It takes a village to raise a child.”
Community is a cornerstone of Sabina’s philosophy. She believes that fostering a sense of collective responsibility is essential in nurturing the growth and development of children.

In her view, who we are as individuals is just as important as the actions we take.

Teachers, parents and children are all integral parts of a united support system, working together toward the common goal of promoting children’s wellbeing and mindset. Recognising that they share a vested interest in shaping the future, Sabina emphasises the importance of mutual understanding and collaboration. By encouraging each member of the community to embrace their role and support one another, Sabina seeks to create an environment where every child can thrive mentally and emotionally.


Compassion lies at the heart of Sabina’s approach. She recognises that each person faces unique challenges and struggles, and what may seem easy for one individual could be difficult for another.

With this understanding, Sabina emphasises the importance of empathy and kindness in our interactions with one another. She believes that by demonstrating compassion, we not only support each other but also set a positive example for the children we aim to nurture.

In striving for the common goal of enhancing children’s mental health, Sabina advocates for a culture of compassion where everyone’s experiences are valued and understood, fostering a supportive environment for growth and resilience.

Her Mission
Motivated by her personal journey, she's dedicated to uncovering solutions not just for her daughter, but for countless others facing similar challenges.

Sabina’s mission is to empower parents, teachers and children to develop resilient minds, which are not only strong but compassionate.

Through education, advocacy and innovative programs, she strives to promote mental health and wellbeing in children worldwide.

Sabina is committed to creating supportive communities where children feel valued, understood and equipped with the tools to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and resilience.

Her ultimate goal is to make a meaningful and lasting impact on the lives of children, fostering a world where every child has the opportunity to thrive emotionally, academically and socially.

With experience in both primary education and as a secondary school nurture teacher, Sabina has gathered invaluable insights into the genuine struggles students encounter. She empathises with the fear, anxiety and intimidation that often accompany the transition to secondary school, and is resolute in providing unwavering support and effective solutions.
In response to these challenges, Sabina has authored a series of wellbeing journals tailored to different age groups. These journals feature daily activities, affirmations and incentives designed to foster self-awareness and cultivate a healthy mindset among students. Recognising the indispensable role of parents and caregivers, her programme encourages their active participation, equipping them with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively support their child's wellbeing.
If your child is wrestling with learning challenges, behavioural issues, anxiety or stress and you're seeking support, Sabina offers tailored Mind coaching services.
In today's educational landscape, where schools increasingly emphasise wellbeing through PSHE lessons and assemblies, Sabina acknowledges that some students require additional support. Her mission is to instil resilience in students through daily wellbeing rituals grounded in cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) principles.