Could Your Child Benefit from Working with a Mindset Coach?

Explore the Transformative Approach of Mindset Coaching
In today's fast-paced and demanding, educational world, children face many challenges that can affect their mental health, learning abilities and wellbeing. As parents, we strive to provide the best support for our children, especially when it comes to their emotional and brain development. One avenue gaining recognition for its transformative impact on young minds is neuroplasticity. Sabina Bashir, a neuroplasticain, offers unique insights and coaching to help children thrive.
Understanding Neuroplasticity:
Neuroplasticity is the brain's remarkable ability to adapt and re-organise itself in response to new experiences and challenges. It is the foundation for learning, memory and behaviour, making it a powerful tool in addressing various issues children may face during their developmental years.
Who is Sabina Bashir?
Sabina Bashir (MSc. Psych., BEng. (Hons.) Chem. Eng., PGCE, Adv. Dip. Child Dev., Dip. SEND, Dip. Neuroplasticity) is a qualified neuroplastician with a specialism in children's neuroplasticity.
With nearly 30 years of experience as an educator and a comprehensive academic background, including a Master's degree in Psychology and certifications in Child Development, Special Educational Needs, and Neuroplasticity, she has authored 3 series of journals, which act as tools to help children enhance their mental Health and Wellbeing. Sabina is uniquely equipped to address a wide array of challenges that children may face, and positively coaches developing young minds.
How Can Mindset Coaching Benefit Your Child?

The Purpose of Mindset Coaching:

Life can throw challenges at both children and adults, derailing their emotional and mental wellbeing. Family breakups, friendship issues and illnesses can profoundly affect a child, potentially leading to negative neural pathways being formed that impact long-term mental health habits. Mindset Coaching is designed to counteract these effects and foster positive growth and resilience.

Tailored Approach to Learning Challenges:

Sabina employs personalised strategies and exercises to enhance cognitive functions, making learning more accessible and enjoyable for children facing difficulties in academics or attention-related challenges.

While she can tutor and teach academic subjects, her Mindset Coaching program focuses on teaching children how to think rather than what to think. This includes managing emotions and developing success habits that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Behavioural Transformation:

For children dealing with behavioural issues such as impulsivity, aggression or difficulty managing emotions, Sabina’s Mindset Coaching focuses on rewiring the brain to nurture positive and adaptive behaviours.

Emotional Resilience Against Anxiety and Stress:

Sabina provides techniques and exercises for emotional regulation and stress reduction, supporting children experiencing anxiety, stress or emotional management difficulties.

Specialised Support for Developmental Disorders:

For children diagnosed with developmental disorders like ADHD or autism, Sabina offers targeted interventions to address specific challenges and enhance overall functioning through neuroplasticity-based approaches.

Academic Success Amidst Pressure:

With three decades of teaching experience, Sabina equips children facing academic pressure with tools to manage stress, alleviate performance anxiety and improve cognitive performance.

Social Skills Development:

To be successful in life, children need good communication skills, but presenting in front of peers is a challenge for most adults, let alone children. Sabina’s coaching includes interventions to enhance communication, empathy and social interactions, fostering positive relationships with peers.

Confidence Building:

As most interactions require confidence, Sabina focuses on rewiring negative thought patterns to instil a positive mindset, contributing to improved self-confidence for children lacking self-esteem.

Attention Improvement for ADHD:

Children with attention difficulties, including those diagnosed with ADHD, benefit from Sabina’s neuroplasticity-based interventions targeting attention and focus.

 Motor Skills Development:

Sabina provides exercises to enhance coordination and motor skills, addressing challenges related to physical development in children.

 Optimising Cognitive Potential:

Committed to building resilience early on in a child’s educational journey, Sabina’s 6 week Mindset Coaching Program nurtures resilience and wellbeing amongst students.

By working with her, your child will gain access to an experienced professional, who not only understands the theoretical underpinnings of neuroplasticity, but has a wealth of practical experience as an educator and a personal journey rooted in addressing mental health challenges. Sabina’s commitment to student wellbeing, backed by her personal and professional experiences, makes her a valuable partner in fostering resilience, wellbeing and positive mental health in young learners.

If you're interested in exploring how Sabina's Mindset Coaching can benefit your child, consider reaching out for more details. Invest in your child's future today by unlocking their full potential through the transformative power of neuroplasticity.